David Dutcher Forest was the fifth child of James and Freelove Forrest. He continually used the spelling "Forest". David was born on 18 October 1836 in what is now Ozark County, MO. The exact date of his marriage to Mary Elizabeth Hoodenpyle may never be known due to the multiple burnings of the courthouse in Marion County, AR where her parents were living and was probably the location of their marriage. On the 1860 Ozark County census David, age 23, and Mary Elizabeth, age 16, are married. The census indicates that they had married within the year. Mary Elizabeth was born 16 Oct 1844, Gasconade Co., MO, and was the daugther of James Madison and Sarah "Sallie" (Briggs) Hoodenpyle. After their marriage they first lived on the land David had purchased from Rutha Copelin in 1858 in Ozark County. David enlisted 19 Sept 1864 and served as a private in Company H of the 46th Regiment, Missouri Infantry and was discharged at Springfield Missouri on 22 March 1865. Prior to this he was a volunteer in the local Homeguard and during this time Mary Elizabeth went to Rolla, Missouri to escape the dangers of the war. On 2 May, 1863 their first child, Malinda Jane "Lindy" Forest, was born at the Fort in Rolla. By September of 1864 Mary had returned to Ozark County where their second child, Sarah Maranda, was born. On 16 June 1877, their seventh child, William Homer, was born and on 27 Jun 1877, in Jasper Twp, Ozark County, Mary Elizabeth died from complications from childbirth leaving David with seven children to raise. Their oldest daughter, Malinda assumed the role as mother with the help of her sister Sarah. Martha Beatrice Ingram Tabor On 14 March, 1883 David married the widow Martha Ingram Tabor in Ozark County, who was the daughter of William M. and Nancy (Grady) Ingram and was born 18 October, 1852 in Maries County, MO. Martha had a daughter Ann, by her marriage to James Tabor who had died 14 October 1875. She also had a son Charles who was born 21 June, 1879, who we believe to be the son of David. In letters written to his daughter Malinda, David was unhappy living in Missouri and was making plans to move close to her in Sebastian County, Arkansas. He told of the cold summers and poor crop yield and believed he and his family would have a better life near Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Before leaving Ozark County, David and Martha have three children. Sted, Josepher and Nancy. Around 1889 he finally made the move. He only stayed in Arkansas for a short time and by 1890 was in Bokoshe, Skullyville County, Choctaw Territory. This area later became part of Le Flore County, when Oklahoma became a state in 1905. In a letter dated 15 June 1890, David and his family were doing well and he had a number of livestock and a good crop. He applied for a pension as an invalid on 26 July 1890 due to loss of right eye and a weak back. He never purchased land, but was a tenant farmer on land owned by B.F. Thompson. In 1900 we find David and his family living in Sebastian County, Arkansas near Ft. Smith. On the 1900 census there are three new children listed. Henry, Thomas or Francis and Alvin or Olvin Forrest who were all born in Arkansas. This is the only place these three boys appear. By 1910 they are not found living with or near their mother Martha. The last information we have on David is 21 January 1904. At age 67 David died in Quinton, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. This information was obtained from his widow's civil war pension record. To date we have not found the location of David's grave. He was apparently buried in Pittsburg county in an unmarked grave. After David's death Martha returns to Ozark County, Missouri. On 23 November, 1908 she married the widower of David's sister Malinda, John B. Herd. The marriage was short in duration. Less then a year later John told Martha he was going to visit some friends and never returned leaving her totally destitute. After a long fight Martha was awarded one half of John's pension. In 1910 Martha is living in her own household with son Josepher. Son Charley is living nearby and her son Sted's wife Dora is living next door with her parents. Sted is staying with his half brother, William H. Forest in LeFlore County Oklahoma, where they are farming William's land. In 1920 and 1930, Martha is living in her son Josepher's household. She died on 20 November 1936. She is buried in the New Hope Cemetery in Spiro, Le Flore County, Oklahoma. Her son Sted is buried nearby.

Malinda Jane "Lindy" Forest Malinda was born on 2 May 1863, in Rolla, Phelps County, MO. She first married George Coiner, born 11 February, 1859 and was the son of David Silas and Hester (Young) Coiner, on 1 July 1880 in Ozark County, MO. They had a very stormy marriage and by 1885 Malinda was living in VanBuren, Arkansas where she was pregnant with their second child James. George was still living in Ozark County and at one point he came to visit their daughter Emma and took her back to Ozark County with him. Malinda was determined to get Emma back and took a wagon after them. She brought Emma back to Arkansas, only to have her leave once again to be with her father where she remained. George died 11 September 1956 in Protem, Taney County, MO. He had been married a total of 4 times and had 9 children. Malinda married August Weindle/Wyndle who was born 13 Oct 1851, in Germany and was the son of Andrew and Catherine (Busch) Weindel, on 6 Jan 1889, in Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR. She and August moved to Paris, Arkansas after he sold his share of his land to his brother, which later became part of Ft. Chaffee. She and August helped establish the Catholic Church in Barling, Arkansas. They had 10 children. August died on 14 April, 1916 in Barling, Sebastian County, AR. She then moved to Le Flore County, Oklahoma where she lived till her third and last marriage to John Schwartz, born 27 Jan 1869, in Germany, on 10 Jan 1922, in Logan County, AR and who died on 10 Jan 1930, Subiaco, Logan Coounty, AR. She remained in Arkansas until 1944 when she moved to Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado. There she lived with her oldest daughter Kate and her husband until her death on 20 September 1948.
Children of George and Malinda: -Emma Lena Coiner Born on 24 Jul 1882, in Arkansas and died 30 Jul 1970, Hollister, Taney County, MO. She is buried at Oak Cemetery in Ft. Smith, Sebastian County, AR. Emma was married numerous times. Oral history says she was a Harvey Girl during World War 2. She had no children. -James Coiner(Wyndle) James was born on 26 Oct 1885, in Winslow, Washington Co., AR. For years it was a puzzle why he was born in Winslow. The mystery may be solved with the following story. From the Fayetteville Democrat 10/22/85 On Sunday our community was startled by the information, by telegraph, that Dr. Kelton had been shot and instantly killed by his nephew Jo VanMeter. Note: Jo VanMeter is the husband of Malinda's sister Lydia. When Malinda Jane heard the news she went to her sisters aid from her home in Sabastian County, AR and delivered James on October 26, 1885. The article...The first statement was that the killing was wholly justifiable. Under present advisement this does not appear to be entirely true and grave doubts are now entertained as to whether the killing was in any sense justifiable or even excusable. The coroner's jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from a pistol shot and that said pistol was in the hands of Jo VanMeter. The slyer having made his escape and being still at large a warrant was issued for his arrest. We understand that the evidence before the coroner was conflicting. The statement of Jo VanMeter's wife (Lydia) and one James Forest (brother of Lydia and our Malinda Jane) goes to show that Dr. Kelton went to the house of Vanmeter on Sunday afternoon; that he (Kelton) was armed and considerabley the worse for liquor; that Kelton swore that he would kill the whole family and the he snapped his pistol at Jo VanMeter and also at Mrs. VanMeter, but without any effect, that thereupon Jo VanMeter fired at Kelton, shooting him through the heart but one shot fired. Also, that after Kelton snapped his pistol at VanMeter he struck Forest with it over the head and then snapped it at Mrs. VanMeter. A little son of Dr. Kelton, some 12 years of age, was examined. He stated that his father was first knifed by Forest and then shot by VanMeter and that when VanMeter shot his father he was unarmed, having been disabled in his pistol arm the left by the knife thrust. This evidence is substantiated by the fact that Kelton's arm was but precisely as described, being a fact wholly unexplained by the evidence of Mrs. VanMeter or young Forest. A warrant has been issued for young Forest and the end is not yet. The friends of the deceased demand a full investigation, claiming that the facts will implicate both VanMeter and Forest. Further developments are awaited anxiously. LATER: James Forest has been arrested and in default of bail has been committed to jail as a witness to await the action of the grand jury. His evidence will be awaited with interest as it is suspected that he may conclude to tell a some what different story than the one told by him before the coroner and especially as to the cutting done before the shooting. As told by another witness. Note: To date I have been unable to obtain further information, but in a letter written by Jo VanMeter in July of 1890 from Springfield, Missouri to Malinda Jane and August he and his family are doing well. I can only conclude that all charges were dropped and it was ruled justifiable or they never caught up with Jo.
James married Leona Huggins 8 Nov 1908 in Paris, Logan Co, AR, daughter of William Henry Huggins and Mary Lula Maddry. While James was growing up he was told that his stepfather August Wyndle had adopted him, which was not true. He used the surname of Wyndle except for when he married and used Coiner. James was a farmer and farmed around the area known today as Greenwood in Franklin County, Arkansas. Around 1926 he brought his family to Oxnard, Ventura County, California. He and his wife later moved to Raisin City in the central valley of California near Fresno. He farmed until 1969 when they moved to Ojai, California to be near their youngest son James Thomas. In 1971 he and his wife were placed in a residential treatment facility in Pomona, Los Angeles County, CA where he died on 11 October 1972. Leona died 17 March 1981. They are both buried in Ivy Lawn Cemetery, in Ventura County, CA. They had six children. One died before age 5.
Children of August and Malinda -Martha Catherine Wyndle Born 26 July 1889, in Arkansas. Known as Kate. She married (1) Arthur Gregg and (2) Floyd Shore. She died 6 Jun 1978, Pueblo, Pueblo Co, CO. She had one son, Arthur, who was born in 1911 and died in 1932. -Mary Wyndle Born May 1891, in Arkansas and died 20 Jun 1891, Sebastian Co, AR. Buried Steep Hill Cemetery, Sebastian Co, AR -Elizabeth Wyndle Born April 1892, Arakansas. Also known as Lizzie. She died 27 Apr 1893, Sebastian Co, AR. Buried Steep Hill Cemetery, Sebastian Co AR. -Laurence W Wyndle Born 26 Aug 1894, AR. Owned Superior Cleaners and Dyers in Pueblo Colorado for many years. He married Pearl and they had one daugher, Wanda Mae. He died Dec 1974 in Pueblo, and is buried at Roselawn Cemetery. -Patrick Edward Wyndle Born 27 Feb 1895, AR. He married Margaret Maledon on 16 May 1916, in Ft. Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas. He died in August of 1980 in Wentzville, Saint Charles County, Missouri. They had three children. -Lucy Regina Wyndle Born 22 Dec 1897, in Barling, Sebastian Co, AR. She married George Jacob Stafford on 17 January 1914 in Ft. Smith Arkansas. She died 12 Apr 1979 in Bakersfield, Kern County, California. She is buried St. Mary's cemetery, Ft Chaffee, Sebastian County, Arkansas. Children: Ester Velma Joseph Rubin (1915-1988) Lillie May (1920-) Lillian Ray (1920-2008) Mary Magaline (1923-2002) William Jennings (1925-2008) Garland Russell (1927-1986) Floyd Raymond (1930-1949) Linda Lue (1933-) Lorene (1935-1935) Florene (1935-1935) Jacob Lawrence (1936-) Ruby Florence (1936-1936) James August (1940-1996)
-David A. Wyndle Born on 11 Aug 1899. In 1925 he was living in Pueblo, Colorado working as a driver for brother-in-law Floyd Shore who owned a dry cleaning business. By 1929 he was a clothes cleaner. He married Mary L. ?. He died July 1964 and is buried at Roselawn Cemetery in Pueblo. -Charley Wyndle Born about 1902 in Sebastian County, Arkansas and died there on Apr 1904 and is buried in the Steep Hill Cemetery. -Anne Delene Wyndle Born 11 Apr 1904, in Paris, Logan County, AR. Anne had a twin sister Theresia Laurine who died 24 April 1904. Anne was a registered Midwife. She married (1) Benedict Joseph Blattler on 3 July 1922 in Paris, Logan. County, Arkansas. He died 20 August 1975 in Pueblo, Colorado. They had three children: William Patrick (1923-2003) Alva Leon (1925-1996) Floyd Ben (1928-1931) Anne married (2) Charles Eugene Garrett 2 Nov 1940. He died Oct 1956 in Colorado Springs, CO. Anne lived for a number of years in Howard Colorado. She died 6 Mar 1997, in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., and is buried at Roselawn Cemetery in Pueblo, Colorado.
Sarah Maranda Forest
Born on 7 Sep 1863, in Ozark Co., MO. Her nickname was Louise. She married John Levy Denney was born near Thornfield, Ozark County, Missouri. He was the son of Benjamin Levi and Nancy Ann (Miller) Denney, on 23 December 1882 in Alma, Crawford County, Arkansas. Sarah died on 19 Jan 1937, in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., CA and was buried on 21 Jan 1937, at the IOOF Cemetery in Santa Rosa.
Children: Nancy Elizabeth (-1965) Rusta (1894-1981) Wynnie Nellie Benajamin Levi (1896-1977) Sarah (1898-1998) Margaret (1900-) Paul Patrick (1909-1995)
James Madison Forest Born on 27 Sep 1867, in Ozark Co., MO, He married Louisa D. Turley on 24 February 1889 in Ozark County. We know very little about James and he died after Jul 1897, in Enterprise, Haskell County, Oklahoma.
-Oliver Weaver Forest Born 23 Dec 1889, Gainesville, Ozark Co., MO. Owned cattle ranch in Mounds, OK. He first married Carrie Mae Estes on 3 August 1909. She was born 3 August, 1892 in Van Buren, Arkansas. He then married Luvada Emeline Anglin on 5 October 1924 in Wagoner, Oklahoma. She was born on 11 Aug 1904 in Oakland, AR. Oliver Weaver died 27 February 1967 in Mounds, Oklahoma. Luvada died 23 January 1997 in Glenpool, Oklahoma.
Children of Oliver Weaver and Carrie Mae: James Larry (1911-1931) Opal Minnie (1913-) Jesse Burl (1915-) Ruby Mae (1916-1999) Clifford Bert (1918-1950) Gladys Fern (1920-1921)
-Mary Nell Elizabeth Forest Born 3 May 1892 in Indian Territory. Family oral history indicates Mary died about 26 years of age. In 1910, she is living in Sebastian Co, AR in the household of her aunt Ruth and Ruth's husband Jess Pepper. She is listed as being 17 yrs old and indicates she was born in Oklahoma. At the time she was born it was known as Indian Territory. She died 11 Feb 1929 in Buncombe County, NC. -Florence Helen Forest Born 4 Apr 1898, in Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., AR. She died 7 June 1938 in Ft Smith. Lydia Love Forest Born 4 Feb 1869, Ozark Co., Missouri. On 31 July 1884, in Thornfield, Ozark County, Missouri she married (1) Joseph Sigel Vanmeter. He was born 10 Jan 1863, MO and is the son of Henry N. and Matilda (Barnett) Vanmeter. His father Henry died in 1865 and his mother marries Nathanael Green Forest, son of James and Freelove Forest, on 29 December 1866. She and Green abandoned Joseph and his maternal grandfather, Levi Barnett, becomes his Guardian. Matilda dies in 1875. Lydia and Joseph divorce after 1890 and she moves to Sebastian County, Arkansas where she marries Thomas V. Sprinkel on 19 Dec 1893, in Sebastian Co. They are divorced by 1900 and Lydia is living in Ft. Smith, Sebastian County with daugher Lena. Her occupation is dressmaker. On 14 September 1906 in Ft Smith, Sebastian County, she marries (3) John Patrick "Jack" Kennedy. They live in Ft Smith until sometime after 1920 when they move to LeFlore County, Oklahoma near her sister Rutha. Jack is a retired postal worker. Sometime after 1930 they relocate to Pearsall, Frio County, Texas, where Lydia's brother John lives. Jack died 18 October 1949 and Lydia on 19 April 1957 in Pearsall. They are both buried at the Pearsall Catholic Cemetery.
Children of Joseph and Lydia: -Willie Vanmeter Died young -Lena Dell Vanmeter Born Jun 1886, in Missouri. She first married Charles R. Duckworth about 1879 in Arkansas. He is a son of Joseph W. Duckworth. Charles dies 28 September 1928 in Bentonville, Benton County, Arkansas. Per her deceased husband's grandfather's obit it indicates she is living in Maud, Oklahoma in 1929. Family oral history indicates she was married a total of 4 times and died at the age of 90 in California. Lydia's daughter, Lena Hormsby, was the informant on both John Bedford Forrest and Lydia Forest Kennedy's death certificate. Lena then married Edwin Corbett and they relocated to Ukiah, Mendocina County, California. Lena died 15 July 1974 and is buried in Ukiah Cemetery.
Rutha Forest Born 8 Nov 1871, in Ozark County., MO. Little is know of her first husband John Wilson. We do know that their first child was born in Missouri in December of 1891. By 1900 Rutha is a widow living in Ft. Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas with her son Frank and daughter Martha. She is a dressmaker and has been unemployed for 4 months. On 15 April, 1903 she marries Jess H. Pepper who was the son of Timothy and Susan Pepper and was born 6 August 1877 in Hardeman County, Tennessee. In 1910 they are still in Ft. Smith and also living in their household is Katie Wyndel, daughter of August and Ruth's sister Malinda Forest Wyndel and Mary Forest, daughter of Ruth's brother James and wife Louise Turley Forest. Rutha and Jess then move to Arkoma, Le Flore County, Oklahoma where Jess was an engineer and foreman on the Fort Smith and Western railway. Following his railway service he worked at a powder plant until his retirement in 1939. He died 19 Dec 1942 in Arkoma. Ruth continued to live there until 1950 when she moved to her daughter's home in Longview, Texas. Rutha died on 8 April 1957 and is buried at Memorial Gardens in Gregg County, Texas.
Children of John and Rutha: -Frank Wilson Born Dec 1891 in Missouri. In 1942 he was living in Oklahoma City, OK. He died 15 March 1948 in Ft. Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas.
-Marth "Mattie" Josephine Wilson Born Dec 1894 in Missouri. She married Everett Goff and they had at least one child. A son Bobby Goff who is the informant on his mother's death certificate. They lived in Longview Texas. She died 27 July 1977.
John Bedford Forrest Born 13 Jan 1874 in Thornfield, Ozark County, Missouri. Only son of David that spelled last name FORREST. In 1900 he was living in the Choctaw Nation, which would become part of Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, with his wife Lena (Walker), born January 1874 in Arkansas and they had been married 3 years. John was a laborer. By 1910 they lived in Crowder Township, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma and he had a non-labor job with the railroad. In 1920 moved to Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado. In 1926 John and Lena divorced. In Oct of 1926 John married his second wife, Bessie Van Horn. They had a daughter, Ruby Leone, born in April of 1930 in Phoenix, Arizona. By the early 1930s, they moved to Pearsall, Frio County, Texas, where John's sister Lydia lived. He was a member of the Christian Church in Pearsall. John died on 9 Oct 1946 in Pearsall and is buried at the Pearsall Cemetery, Block 56, Lot 5. He retired from the railroad.
Children of John and Lena:
-Myrtle Forrest was not the biological daughter of John. She was born to Lena's first husband in January of 1893 in Indian Territory. Married Albert Skelton. They had a daughter Alberta born in 1915 and a son James D. born about 1916 in Oklahoma. -Eddie Forrest Born September 1896 in Indian Territory. Died young. -Lillian Mae Forrest Born 7 Nov 1900 and died in Ojai, Ventura County, California on 18 December, 1984. She is buried at Ivy Lawn Cemetery in Ventura, Ventura County, California. She first married Richard Halbert and they had a son Albert. Her second husband was Charles C. Doxsee. -Iva J. Forrest was born 21 September 1904 in and died 14 November 1996 in Newport, Lincoln County, Oregon. She married Granville William Henson about 1924 in Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado. -Delmar R Forrest was John's only son. Born 17 July 1907 and died 5 Mar 1982, El Paso, El Paso Co., TX. He married Grace C. Postleurit and they had 3 daughters. Ruth Monell, Rae Loudene and Sanora. Delmar is buried in Anapra, New Mexico.
William Homer Forest Born 16 Jun 1877 in Gainesville, Ozark Co, MO. He was the seventh and last child of David and Mary Elizabeth Forest. Mary died from complications of his birth 10 days later. On 11 Febrary 1900, in Sebastian County, Arkansas, William married Mamie Josephine Berry, born 31 October 1880 in Chaleston, AR. She was the daughter of Pleas and Sarah (Barker) Berry. In 1920 William owned a grocery store in Pocola, which is located in the NE section of LeFlore County and 9 miles east of Spiro and just 10 miles west of Ft. Smith Arkansas. His sister Malinda is living nearby in her son Patrick's household. Their son David is a student. In 1929 they have relocated to Colorado Springs, El Dorado County, Colorado, where William is a Carpenter. William's obit indicated he died November 21, 1953 at age 76, in Arkoma OK. He was a pioneer settler of Arkoma, having built the first store building and post office at Arkoma. He served as postmaster there from 1910 to 1925. He was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge. Mr. Forest died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ruth Pepper, Arkoma, Saturday morning. Survivors include three half brothers, Charlie, Harrison AR, Sted and Joe Tulsa, OK, and one sister Mrs. Lydia Kennedy, Pearsall, TX. He is buried in Forest Park Cemetery in Ft. Smith, AR. Mamie lived with her son David in Denver, Colorado until her death 5 Oct 1961. She is buried at the Fairmount Cemetery in Arapahoe County.
Children of William and Mamie. -Homer P. Forest Born 16 Nov 1903. Had measles as a child and was disabled. He died 28 March 1917, Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., AR. Buried 30 Mar 1917, Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., AR -David Dutcher Forest Born 1 Jan 1908, in Arkoma, Le Fleur Co, OK. Had measles as a child and was disabled. Obit from the Denver Post 19 Oct 1979: Services for David D Forest, 71, Denver, will be at 1 pm Saturday at the Olinger Mortuary. Burial will be at Fairmont. He died Wednesday in Wichita Falls, Tx. He was born 1 Jan 1908 in OK. He was a graduate of Colorado College, and moved to Denver in 1934. Forest was employed as a bookkeeper and auditor for 40 years in the Colorado secretary of state's office. He retired in 1971. He was a member of Alameda Heights Methodist Church. Forest is survived by a brother, Robert D. Forest of Wichita Falls. Memorial contributions may be made to the Easter Seal Crippled Children's Fund. -Bertie Forest Born about 1909. Died 25 Jan 1925 and is buried in Forest Park Cemetery, Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., AR -Robert Danson Forest Born 14 May 1929 in Colorado. He is the adopted son of William and Mamie. Discovered in 1996 through the obituary of his brother David in Denver Post 19 Oct 1979. He left Wichita Falls in the 1980s. He currently lives outside of Denver. He first married Marilyn F.?
Children of David D. Forest and Martha Ingram Tabor
Charles "Charley" Forest
Born 21 Jun 1879, in Ozark Co., MO. Believed to be the biological son of David Dutcher Forest. Was thought to be son of James an d Martha (Ingram) Tabor, but James died prior to Nov 1875 which would make his being James' s on impossible since he was born after 1878. He appears on 1880 census as Charles Tabor with Martha listed as a widow. He married Virgie Hash 24 January 1905 in Thornfield, Ozark County, MO. Per his headstone he died 6 October 1958. He died in Harrison, Boone County, Arkansas and is buried in York Cemetery. Virgie also died in Harrison on 30 October 1964 and is buried in York Cemetery. Children of Charles and Virgie:
-Dave Forest Born 13 April 1913 and died 23 June 1959. These dates came from a home made maker in the York Cemetery in Harrison, Boone County, AR. York Cemetery -Mae Forest -Mabel Forest -Ulus Forest Born 1907, in Hammond, Ozark Co, MO. He married Crystal ?. Ulus died 8 Aug 1965, Harrison, Boone Co, AR and is buried in York Cemetery. -Martha Forest Born about 1912 and died Dec 1996, Harrison, Boone Co, AR. -Forbus Forest Born 13 Jul 1922, in Ozark Co, MO. Died 3 Apr 1979, Wichita Falls, KS, Buried York Cemetery, Harrison, Boone Co, AR. Children: Patsy Mabie -Manuel Peoria Forest Born 18 Feb 1925, in Hammond, Ozark Co, MO. He married Norma Mary Harp. Died Nov 1982, Harrison, Boone Co, AR. Buried York Cemetery. Burial: Nov 1982, Harrison, Boone Co, AR Children: Manuel Peoria Tony Sue Carolyn Linda
Eli Stedman Forest
Born 19 Apr 1885, Theodosia, Ozark Co, MO. Named for uncle Eli Stedman Forest. Went by Sted. Per obit of uncle John Forrest from 1946 was living in Portland, OR. He married Dora Wray on 27 Oct 1907, in Gainesville, Ozark Co., MO. In 1937 he was living in Arkoma, Le Flore County, Oklahoma and was working at the Sales Sash and Glazing Company in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. At the time of his death on 25 September 1980, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he was widowed and was retired as a Carpenter. He is buried in the New Hope Cemetery in Spiro, Le Flore County, Oklahoma.
The Tulsa Tribune,Saturday, Sept 27, 1980. Forest, Eli S., 95, 2154 S 85 E Ave., passed away Thursday . Survived by daughter Mrs. Bill (Rae) Hamby of Tulsa; son, Vernon Forest of Salem, Oregon; 6 grandchildren; 6 great- grandchildren. Friends may contribute to the Tulsa Baptist Temple Mission. Service 10 a.m. Saturday, Moore's Eastlawn Chapel. Graveside Service 2 pm, New Hope Cemetery, Spiro.
Children: -Vernon Forest -Rae Forest She married Bill Hamby.
Josepher Forest
Born 24 Jul 1888, in Bokoshe, La Fleur Co, OK. In 1910 he was living with his mother Martha Herd in Jasper Township, Ozark County, MO. By 1920 he had married Hannah McCullough, who was born 15 April 1892 in Arkansas and died May 1983 in Tulsa, and had relocated to Arkoma, Le Flore County, Oklahoma. He died 2 Nov 1967, Tulsa, Tulsa Co, OK
Tulsa Daily World - Saturday, November 4, 1967 Forest, Josepher R., 78, 7709 West 17th, died Thursday. Retired employee of Nelson Electri c Co. Survivors: widow, Ha nnah of the home, son, Wayne, of the home, daugthers, Mrs . Leola Wa tson, Tulsa; Mrs. Lucille Lewis, Fort Smith, Ark ansas; brother, E.S. Forest, Tulsa; seven gra ndchildren; f our great-grandchildren. Services 2p.m. Saturday, Westsid e Assembly of God Churc h. Interment Floral Haven. Moore's. Children: -Joseph Wayne Forest Born 19 Nov 1921, Arkoma, Leflore, Co., OK and died 6 Sep 1981, Tulsa Co., Tulsa. He married Oleta K ? and she died in September 1989 in Tulsa.
The Tulsa Tribune Forest - Joseph W. (Wayne) 59, 508 S 48th W. Ave. Long tim e Narional Tank & C.E. Natco employ ee, died Sept. 6, 1981 . Survived by wife Oleta Forest; daughters Wanda Morton, J o Ann Straess le, Nancy Cook; mother Hannah Forest; sister s Feola Watson, Lucille Noble. Services 1:30 p.m . Wednesda y Mobley-Dodson Funeral Chapel. Interment Woodland. Mobley-Dodson. Children: Wanda Jo Ann Nancy
Nancy Forest Born 22 Apr 1889 in Missouri. She possibly died in childhood. The 1900 census held a number of suprises. David and Martha are living in Sebastian County, Arkansas. Listed in their household are three previously unknown sons. None of which are found in 1910. By 1910, Martha has returned to Ozark County, Missouri and son Josepher is living with her. Nearby is her son Eli. Daughter Nancy is also not found. Theory is the four may have died from the same cause. It may also have been the cause of David's death in 1904. Henry Forest - Born August 1890 in Arkansas. Francis Forest - Born June 1893 in Arkansas. Alvin or Olvin Forest - Born 1896 in Arkansas.
All info copyrighted. To obtain source info please email us at forrestgenealogy@aol.com